Sunday 18 November 2012


There's a lot of concept design involved within BDes Animation. Design characters, design settings, design worlds.

This is a world i took part in designing. A bleak North Korea inspired totalitarian landscape devoid of all warmth and freedom. A world where the meek proletariat is dominated by the strict regime. The denizens of this suffocating grey, are herded into concrete shells, where they eat, sleep and work in, live and die in. These grey monoliths are all however over-shadowed by a staunch reminder that the regime is forever present, inescapable, in the form of a hulking stag monument of gargantuan proportion.

You see the regime or 'the party' is proudly signified through a stag emblem. The 'Stag party' as it were. Cold and strict, merciless, and brutal, members of the stag party and its myriad soldiers live a life a long way away from the common trash locked away in their grey monoliths. In fact what the 'proles' are unaware of is that --

You know what...I can't be fucken arsed completing this impromptu 'stirring' description of this 'bleak North Korea inspired totalitarian landscape devoid of all warmth and freedom' right now, i'll have to get back to you later, but do stay tuned! there's a twist in the works. Currently incomplete you see. This is largely a 'two-part' project*. In the mean time look forward to the following "work in progress'' and next part of the ''narrative''.

*This was a design challenge handed down to us as an assignment over in BDes Animation. (It's a finished project.. but me being me, i was not happy with it). I have three months to do something, anything i like, let it be this, allow me to re-build? Please?

PS. Finally! Some colour!

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